Hawaii Fishermen Donate 220-Pound Tuna to Frontline Workers at a Local Hospital

OutdoorHub Editor: Keenan Crow   06.01.20

After a very successful day out on the water, a group of fishermen in Hawaii returned to shore with a plan for their quarry, but that plan didn’t include a shore lunch all for themselves.

The group of anglers included the owner of a seafood business and the executive producer of a popular Hawaii TV show – Hawaii Skin Diver TV, Hawaii News Now reports.

Legacy of Aloha.

Inspired by 104-year-old Setsuo Todoroki, Hawaii Fishermen Donate 220lb Ahi Catch to front-line workers at at Straub & The Queen’s Medical Centers.https://t.co/LOTO5Q8iBF#Hawaii #Maui #Oahu #Lanai #Molokai #Kauai #CoronaVirus #Covid #Aloha #Mahalo #Gratitude

— Jeremy (@Maui_Creative) May 27, 2020

When the five fishermen landed a massive 220-pound tuna in the waters off Oahu, they decided to pay it forward to some very deserving frontline workers at a local hospital. The fresh fish went directly to the frontline workers at Straub and the Queen’s Medical Center in the form of spicy ahi and limu poke bowls.

“Anytime you can get fresh fish prepared for you and given to you, my god what else can we ask for,” Chimaigne Ralston, an RN at Straub said.

“The 104-year-old fisherman Setsuo Todoroki was the one who inspired us to do this project,” said Kyle Nakamoto, executive producer of Hawaii Skin Diver TV. Todoroki had been featured on Hawaii Skin Diver TV, where he talked about his love for sharing his catch with people in need. The avid local fisherman passed away recently, which inspired Kyle Nakamoto and his crew of fishing/diving buddies to keep Todoroki’s legacy alive by extending their gratitude to healthcare workers during these trying times.

“We know our restaurants, Monarch Seafood, commercial fishermen, they’ve all been hit by this so for them to take time out of their day, their troubles, it’s so humbling and we’re so grateful,” Queen’s Medical Center nurse Christy Passion added.