Get Your U.S. National Parks Checklist Map [FREE DOWNLOAD]

Earlier this week, the National Park Service celebrated its 98th birthday by offering free admission to its 58 National Parks (plus National Monuments, National Recreation Areas, National Historic Sites, National Historical Parks, National Seashores, National Military Parks, and National Battlefields).

That got me to thinking…how many of these National Treasures have I actually visited myself?

The answer: a woeful few (five to be exact).

And that’s a darn shame. National Parks provide the opportunity to experience our country’s unspoiled beauty – the way it was before it became one concrete-paved expanse of gas stations, strip malls and fast food restaurants. That’s something that really should not be taken for granted.

So, while time and money may preclude me from getting to all 58 in my lifetime, I’ve made it a goal to at least do better than five. And this 20×30″ U.S. National Parks Checklist Map that I happened to stumble upon is a great way to keep that goal from being lost.  Print it out, hang it on the fridge and start planning. Makes for great wall art, too.

How many National Parks have YOU checked off the list?

[To download your full-size map: Right click image, “Save Image As”]

[To simply view full-size map: click image, then click on “expand” arrows in upper right hand corner]

While you’re at it, why not donate to the National Park Service?
